1 of 253523 objects
Royal Mint
Set of 4 Maundy coins, 2002 2002
RCIN 444221
Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter) commemorates Christ's Last Supper with his Disciples. Each year on this day The Queen's Maundy Money is distributed at the Maundy Service which is held in different cathedrals and abbeys in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are four coins in the Maundy Money set; this set, from 2002, shows the obverse of the four pence piece showing The Queen's profile portrait and the four reverses showing the value of each coin. The coinage is minted by The Royal Mint and are legal tender. The profile portrait of The Queen was designed by Mary Gillick in Coronation Year, 1953, and these are the only coins of which the design does not change, except for the date.
Presented to The Queen by the Royal Mint
Medium and techniques
Object type(s)
Alternative title(s)
Elizabeth II Maundy set, 2002, fourpence, threepence, twopence and one penny.