Learn more about art works that make up the Royal Collection
Bibliography of books on paintings from the Royal Collection
Further reading
Lorne Campbell, The Early Flemish Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, Cambridge, 1985
John Cornforth, Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother at Clarence House, London, 1996
Michael Levey, The Later Italian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, 2nd edn, Cambridge, 1991
Christopher Lloyd, The Queen’s Pictures, Royal Collectors through the Centuries, London, 1991
Christopher Lloyd, The Royal Collection. A Thematic Exploration, 3rd edn., London, 2003
Oliver Millar, The Queen’s Pictures, London, 1977
Oliver Millar, The Tudor, Stuart and Early Georgian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, 2 vols, London, 1963
Oliver Millar, The Later Georgian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, 2 vols., London, 1969
Oliver Millar, The Victorian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1992
William Pyne, The History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St James’s Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham House, and Frogmore, 3 vols., London, 1819
Graham Reynolds, The Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-century Miniatures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, London, 1999
J. Roberts (ed.), Royal Treasures: a Golden Jubilee Celebration, London, 2002
John Sherman, The Early Italian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, Cambridge, 1983
Richard Walker, The Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-century Miniatures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, Cambridge, 1992
Christopher White, The Later Flemish Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, London, 2007